Junkoon & Associates

Posted On 2022-07-07

From Drawing Board to 3D BIM – A Digital Transformation Journey to Success. 

Established in 2005 as a civil engineering consultancy – focused on mining and industrial structural engineering, Junkoon and Associates have quickly revolutionized their services, brand, offerings, and approach to projects through the brave adoption of cutting-edge design technology. The small to medium Civil Engineering & Drafting enterprise started out like any other engineering company and made use of a drawing board to conceptualize ideas and bring them to life.

The first digital transition milestone for Junkoon was to move from the drawing board to CAD (Computer-Aided Design). The adoption of Autodesk AutoCAD back in 2010 was for drawing & engineering teams to speed up their design time, review processes, reduce errors and generate accurate 2D drawings & 3D models that can be easily shared, modified, and viewed. 

Junkoon continued to listen to their clients and associated engineering houses and in response to rapidly changing market trends and to ensure continued success in an increasingly competitive environment, the team at Junkoon and Associates, started to explore the idea of BIM (Building Information Modelling).

2D to 3D to BIM. 

The team at Junkoon and Associates has successfully generated 3D models and 2D drawings using Autodesk AutoCAD. This worked very well and showed significant improvement on time spent on drawings, rework, and overall outputs. It also showed in the increased projects that the team was working on at any given time, which inspired the action of looking into Building Information Modelling (BIM). 

The needs of a rapidly digitally transforming team at Junkoon and Associates required solutions that will help the team collaborate and communicate changes throughout their projects’ lifecycles more efficiently.

“Following some discussions with Baker Baynes, we inquired about the BIM environment as we wanted to enhance the way draughting was performed within the organization.”- Shoan Junkoon. 

Over the past two years, Junkoon and Associates’ draughting engineers completed various training courses through their Autodesk Gold Partner Baker Baynes, which included; Autodesk Revit, Advance Steel, Civil 3D, Recap, and Autodesk Docs. 

Through this, the team shares a collective stance on the benefits of implementing these skill sets in the type of projects they work on.

“Not only do we get intelligence out of our models, but this has also assisted in significantly reducing the manhours spent on certain tasks which were performed manually in the past.” – Shoan Junkoon

Project Focus: Seriti New Vaal Colliery – Lifex Feasibility

Junkoon and Associates’ success has propelled them to work on large-scale projects such as the Seriti New Vaal Colliery.

On this project, Junkoon and Associates’ scope of work for this project was to do all the civil & structural engineering and provide the Client with 3D Models and 2D drawings. This project was 176 days long and brought together a variety of Autodesk design solutions to deliver on the project deliverables. 

Project Goals: 

Taking on an ambitious project of this calibre and size was a great opportunity for learning, innovation, and growth for the team at Junkoon and Associates. This inspired setting up project goals to help drive the project. These included: the implementation of working in a BIM environment, expanding the skillsets for the drawing office team, increasing business productivity by reducing hours spent on tasks that were previously done manually, and better collaboration with project stakeholders and clients. 

Looking back, the team at Junkoon shares the significant impact that adopting Autodesk technologies has had for them, not just from a day-to-day perspective, but on the bottom line as well. There has been an incredible 30% gain in productivity and efficiency, with hopes of bringing this up to 80% in 2022. 

The Future is Now!

With a keen appetite for learning, innovation, and using cutting-edge technology solutions, there is no doubt of Junkoon and Associates’ success, now or in the future.

The team looks forward to increased growth, outputs, and growing their portfolio of services even further and are already embracing the benefits of reality capture solutions, integrating the use of drones and laser scanners. As Junkoon and Associates preferred Autodesk Gold Partner, we look forward to helping facilitate this digital transformation journey that is only going from strength to strength. 

Junkoon & Associates

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