Integrated Retail Project Delivery

Posted On 2020-04-09

The past few years have seen a rise in the number of people who choose to do their shopping from the comfort of their homes, which has increased the pressure on retail designers to ensure that stores are designed in a way that improves the customers’ shopping experience. While the merchandise on sale is an important aspect of every store, retail space planning, and design is a bigger priority for retailers. However, designers continue to face several issues during the planning and designing of retail stores, these range from bad communication and flow of information to increased costs and time delays in projects.

Challenges faced in Retail Project Delivery

Bad communication and flow of information have a negative impact on the processes that take place during the planning and designing of retail stores, highlighting the need for effective collaboration amongst project team members. The inaccuracies involved during retail store design lead to poor project scheduling and quality control which heightens the chances of disconnected design, construction, and as-builts. To deliver successful retail projects, project team members need to collaborate as this will optimize project results and maximize the team’s efficiency. Given that data management challenges affect designers by creating time-delays during projects, introducing project team members to an Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) approach is essential as it integrates all team members during the early stages of a project ensuring that the team’s interests are aligned with the goals of the project. This does not only increase the likelihood of successfully completing a project on time, but it also increases the chances of successful project delivery within budget!
The reality is that retail design is changing, and you do not want to be left behind. Take the first step towards enhancing communication amongst project team members and decreasing costs and time delays in projects – implement an integrated project delivery approach to improve design workflows and enhance collaboration.
Stay tuned to the full series to see how we can address those challenges. Can’t wait for the next one? Get in touch with us today!

Written By: N. Javu | Baker Baynes PTY Ltd | 8 April 2020

Integrated Retail Project Delivery

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