i-adopt’s Education Pillar: Top training techniques and tactics for businesses

Posted On 2017-09-20

i-adopt’s Education Pillar

Welcome back to our i-adopt solution series! i-adopt is a consultancy methodology that ensures the successful adoption of technology within the architecture, engineering, construction, product design and process plant industries.

Previously we’ve taken a look at how i-adopt can benefit your business and how the assessment pillar of i-adopt can help you to identify your vision, goals and the gaps in-between. Here we want to talk about the next phase in the consultancy roadmap to success: Education.

The i-adopt education pillar

With i-adopt, there are three pillars: Assess, Educate and Consult. Once assessment has taken place and business challenges and solutions are clear, education is the next step in the programme.

This pillar is all about educating staff and a business so that they can improve and succeed in their industry. And, like all pillars in the i-adopt solution, it’s broken down into four areas:


This area looks at the purpose behind educating in a business a certain way. Whether that’s getting stakeholders on board or delivering an organisation’s vision to staff members, this area will ensure that the purpose behind any business training is set.


This is where we will train a business’ employees. Training is personalised and blended, making it work for any kind of learner.


Once all training has taken place, this new-found knowledge will be put into practice and workflows will be established and optimised to ensure the best results.

Whether you’re an individual organisation of a professional team, we help you achieve this though collaboration, best practice and coordination workshops. And, so you can take away all your learnings, we provide you with a BIM Deployment Workbook.


This area is hands-on and will make sure that a business is technically set up so there are no hurdles in producing the very best work. This includes making sure you’re set up for:

  • CADLearning
  • Autodesk
  • Software updates
  • Cloud security

Top training techniques and tactics for businesses

As this pillar is all about training and educating employees, we wanted to give you some of our top training techniques and tactics for businesses, here they are:

Consider different learners

A lot of training programmes offer several day courses in a classroom, with possibly one or two checks ups months later. Our blended learning approach rebels against this. We feel that one training programme is not right for several different learners. So, we offer a blended programme that can be personalised to different types of learners – whether they are visual, audio or more hands-on learners.

Our top tip is to mix up your training tactics, don’t just give a lecture-style training programme but make some things visual and practical.

Make it practical

Whatever learning style you prefer, not a lot will be remembered unless you try out what you’ve learnt for yourself. So, our advice to any trainer is to let your students practice what they’re learning in a real-life situation.

Ensure the lessons are up to date

Software often gets updated and therefore it’s important to ensure that any software training is up to date, or in line with the version that will be used out in the real world. This is where YouTube training videos fail and why professional training programmes, like CADLearning are essential.


Just because a training session has finished, it doesn’t mean the training is over. Follow ups to training courses are vital. Not only do they assess if what you’ve learnt is being used correctly, they are also there to fill in any knowledge gaps.

With i-adopt, education is not our final pillar in the consultation programme, which means we are there after training to ensure that staff members have retained what they’ve learnt, they are using it correctly, and if not, we’re here to help and advise.

More on i-adopt

That’s it on the education pillar of i-adopt but if you want more information then please do not hesitate to get in touch – we’d love to help.

Next time, we’re looking at the final pillar of i-adopt: Consultation. And, mentoring ideas that can be put to use after i-adopt. So, make sure you visit us again soon!

i-adopt’s Education Pillar: Top training techniques and tactics for businesses

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