- Ajay GangadharanManufacturing & Process Plant Specialist
I am passionate about finding real digital transformation solutions for the Manufacturing and Process Plant industries. Supported with over a decade of experience in design and engineering, my application of technology to solve Design, Product Lifecycle Management and Data Management problems and sharing what I have learned over the years, is one of the most satisfying aspects of my role.
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 18 - 21 Jul 2023
- Time: 3:00 am - 10:00 am

Inventor Fundamentals July_2023
The Autodesk® Inventor® Fundamentals: Introduction to Solid Modeling training provides you with an understanding of the parametric design philosophy through a hands-on, practice-intensive curriculum. You will learn the key skills and knowledge needed to design models using Autodesk Inventor, starting with conceptual sketching, through to solid modeling, assembly design, and drawing production
Topics Covered:
• Creating, constraining, and dimensioning 2D sketches
• Creating and editing the solid base 3D feature from a sketch
• Creating and editing secondary solid features that are sketched and placed
• Creating equations and working with parameters
• Manipulating the display of the model
• Resolving feature failures
• Duplicating geometry in the model
• Placing and constraining/connecting parts in assemblies
• Manipulating the display of components in an assembly
• Duplicating components in an assembly
• Obtaining model measurements and property information
• Creating Presentation files (Exploded views and Animations)
• Modifying and analyzing the components in an assembly
• Simulating motion in an assembly
• Creating parts and features in assemblies
• Creating and editing an assembly Bill of Materials
• Working with projects
• Creating and annotating drawings and views
• Customizing the Autodesk Inventor environment