Baker Baynes i-adopt Solution

Posted On 2017-08-24

Welcome to i-adopt; our unique approach to ensuring the successful adoption of technology within the architecture, engineering, construction, product design and process plant industries, with the only intention of helping you to design a better world.

What is i-adopt?

i-adopt is a bespoke consultancy methodology to help customers adopt and utilise design software to its full potential. It officially launched at the end of 2015 and it’s an exclusive approach created by Baker Baynes with design customers at the heart of its conception.

The philosophy driving i-adopt is change, and organisational development. Businesses invest in software to improve their business. And, we support businesses with this want for change and look at other ways they can improve their output.

Why is i-adopt different to other consultancy businesses?

There are two main reasons why the i-adopt approach is different from other consultancy businesses:

Firstly, not many people make the connection between computer aided design (CAD) technology and a business problem, but i-adopt can help you realise tangible and practical benefits, resulting in an impact on the bottom line.

Secondly, consultancy is usually lengthy, expensive and seen as a grey area. i-adopt adds “scaleable structure” to consultancy by putting a roadmap to success in place. It can also be tailored to individual needs and budget. You cannot consume all aspects of the i-adopt at once, hence its deployment grows as you do.

The three pillars of the i-adopt approach

The i-adopt roadmap to success is divided into three pillars, these are:

1. Assess
This pillar will analyse what the business needs most through a number of different methods to achieve an “as is” state.

2. Educate
Through a blended learning programme fit for every kind of learner, this pillar is centred around teaching staff on tools as well as the business’s approach to technology.

3. Consult
This pillar will ensure that new knowledge, approaches and processes are being implemented in the best possible way.

In each pillar, there are four focus areas: Purpose, People, Process and Technology. Each area comes with a deliverable so we can ensure that what we are teaching you is working, and so you can see the success of the programme every step of the way.

Tailoring i-adopt to you

Every customer of i-adopt will follow this three-pillar framework, although the process can be tailored depending on the business needs and budget. You may need us to spend more time on your processes and less time on your technology, and that’s fine. We can make this framework work for you.

The Managing Director of Baker Baynes, Richard Smedley-Williams, describes the ability to personalise i-adopt Solution like a game of Snakes and Ladders. If you need help climbing a particular ladder, the framework will help you achieve it. Similarly, if another business needs to go down a snake in order to climb a ladder, the framework will also fit. In all instances, i-adopt will help you reach the finish line with outstanding results.

What our customers say about i-adopt

We’ve only ever heard good things about i-adopt, and our customers’ results support this. Our i-adopt approach creates the opportunity to identify the need for assessments, the results of which help to identify which other pieces of the i-adopt approach are relevant and high priority.

One customer found that their staff members had an average of 35.2% proficiency level of the software Autodesk Inventor. We then used the i-Adopt approach to assessing their skills using CADLearning’s customised learning paths to upskill, after which results rocketed to 65%.

The same customer is using the i-adopt approach again this year with a higher proficiency target of 80%. We have total confidence that methodology of i-adopt will get them there.

More on i-adopt

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be taking you through the three pillars of the i-adopt solution, giving our expert advice on assessing, educating and consulting your business to improve its productivity. We’ll also be providing you with some top tips that you’ll be able to take away and apply tomorrow.

If you would like more information on the i-adopt Solution please get in touch – we’d be happy to help.

For those of you that prefer a more hands-on experience, we will be showcasing our i-adopt Solution at the Autodesk University (AU) event on 8 September 2017 in Cape Town. A specialised event for those who design, build, make and create, AU will give you innovative techniques, best practices and new workflows with Autodesk software.

Register to attend the event and don’t forget to come and find us!

Baker Baynes i-adopt Solution

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