Automation in Autodesk Inventor: Using iLogic

Posted On 2021-08-27

We’ve now shown you how Autodesk Inventor can help designers like yourself speed up tedious design processes by automating repetitive tasks, work more accurately and deliver outputs faster. Let’s take this a step further and talk iLogic. What is it, what does it do and how can you make use of it in your Autodesk Inventor product?

What is iLogic?
For the most part, people who use any type of desktop application understand what automation is. If you’ve used Microsoft Excel you may have heard of Macros, tools developed and designed within Excel to accomplish a specific task. Autodesk Inventor’s automation is very much the same in the sense that while automation can take the form of many different things, iLogic is one form of Inventor Automation.

In short, iLogic is functionality on Inventor that allows users and administrators to create logic in the form of to accomplish tasks. Rules are developed and organized using snippets and other code-writing statements to run at given times to consistently do some of the work engineers and designers need to do.

How does iLogic benefit users on Autodesk Inventor?
By using iLogic, you could develop a series of iLogic rules to do things like updating properties based on different model criteria or replacing components in an assembly based upon selections made in an iLogic Form or even update text blocks within an associated Drawing.

Configuring Your Inventor to use iLogic:
iLogic is included in Inventor, therefore you can start creating and using iLogic right away. It’s helpful to understand that some settings should be addressed to use iLogic to its fullest extent. Here are some suggestions:
1 -The logic configuration button allows users to configure different settings to define where
Inventor will find supporting information.
2 -Users and administrators will want to modify these settings to control where Inventor will
find External Rule directories, as well as the order priority for those directories.
3 – The settings dialog box allows users to set what file extension External Rules will be
saved as and the default Logging level in which debugging information can be produced.
4 – There are also some Security Options settings to protect the computer and network
systems from potentially hazardous code running within the Inventor environment.

Ready to know more about iLogic? Connect with our team of technical specialists today!

Written By Andile Sikhakhane

Automation in Autodesk Inventor: Using iLogic

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