Win More Bids, from Tender to Construction!

Posted On 2021-02-26

Cities, small towns, urban and non-urban areas are all equally reliant on quality infrastructure to foster economic growth and social empowerment. And having worked with numerous organisations both in the private and public sectors over the past few years, we have noted a similar set of challenges that are repeated in the process of successfully bidding, designing, engineering, construction, and maintenance of civil infrastructure projects. The challenges faced in this stage of the bidding process include inaccurate quantity costing which affects the organisation’s abilities in providing competitive, informed and professional fees based on information supplied. Next is the lack of accurate and up-to-date survey data, this challenge makes obtaining estimates to a decent level of accuracy a big issue. And then lastly, the challenge that greatly affects the workflow, project delivery, and overall success of the project, time. So how can BIM Technologies help and enable Civil company owners & design professionals to bid better and be more competitive for Road Projects? Here’s how in 3 easy steps.

1 – Preliminary Site Creation: Professionals usually use Google Earth to draw out the road horizontal placement to get an idea or indication of the elevation profile, and with no survey data, this results in no alignment profiles or terrain data. To achieve this task, we recommend using Autodesk Infraworks to create a 3D Geolocated model with dynamic data.
2 – Accessing GIS Data: Many professionals do not make use of GIS data due to not having access to it, or not knowing what it is. To combat this challenge, we recommend integrating ArcGIS online into your BIM Infrastructure models.
3 – Conceptual Road Design: Professionals use Google Earth to draw out the road horizontal placement to get an idea or indication of the elevation profile, resulting in just a snapshot without any dynamic data. To overcome this, we recommend the use of Autodesk Infraworks’ intelligent roads design features to design and better optimize the roadway. You can also take advantage by using model snapshots and pertinent data at your disposal for a competitive bid proposal.

Implementing these solutions can have great benefits for you in the long run and the return on investment will be substantial. Get in touch with our specialists to find out where to start implementing BIM technologies to help you win more bids.

Win More Bids, from Tender to Construction!

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