Webinar: Basic Intersection Design with AutoCAD Civil 3D

Posted On 2017-05-15

Basic Intersection Design with AutoCAD Civil 3D

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
– Douglas Adams

I’m a big fan of knowledge share sessions with Industry professionals, and my last webinar was no different.  Having practised engineering for some time, I understand how the simplest of design methods can sometimes be overlooked and forgotten about.  It is for this reason that I will continue to host webinars like the one hosted on Monday 27th March 2017.

Despite us experiencing an unexpected power surge which temporarily disrupted our webinar, we trooped on and successfully completed the topic at hand.   Big thank you to all who attended and powered through with me, I am certain that the webinar was very informative.

We at Baker Baynes are aware of the hectic work schedules professionals encounter on a day to day basis, making a scheduled webinar difficult to fit into a busy schedule.  Bearing this in mind, we have recorded this webinar for those who unfortunately could not attend due to prior commitments as well as for those who attended and just want to refresh their memory, for you to access at your leisure.

Basic Intersection Design with AutoCAD Civil 3D Summary:

In this webinar, we looked at the data required for designing a road intersection which includes:
  • An existing surface
  • The horizontal alignments of the two intersecting roads
  • The vertical alignments of the existing roads
  • The lane width or cross section (Assemblies) applicable to each alignment.

Once the above data is available, we can then proceed with the actual design of the intersection.

Following this we looked at two approaches to generating an intersection:
  1. Using the intersection wizard on the ribbon of the Civil 3D interface
  2. Using the offset alignment method (The Long way)

If you’d like to explore these 2 approaches in detail you can view the FULL webinar HERE:

I look forward to connecting with my fellow professionals & designers on future webinars.   If there is a specific topic that you would like us to cover, please comment below.

How can you contact me:

Webinar: Basic Intersection Design with AutoCAD Civil 3D

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