Trends in architectural technology

Trends in architectural technology

Architecural Technology: How trends in technology lead to advances in architecture According to the dictionary, the word technology is recorded as having been in use as early as the 17th century. The word derives from the Greek word tekhnologia, meaning ‘systematic...
Design for Sustainability

Design for Sustainability

Design for Sustainability – The Top Trend of the New Millennium Sustainability is an issue that affects every human on the planet. No industry can afford to ignore the impact of sustainable growth. Designing for sustainability is, in our view, the top architectural...
Design for the Future

Design for the Future

Every architect would love to think of their work outliving their lifetime. We all want to leave a legacy larger than ourselves. The longevity of architecture and engineering is such that, very often, that’s just what we do: we build for tomorrow. The idea of...
Drawing inspiration from the history of architecture

Drawing inspiration from the history of architecture

Draw on the past – why the history of architecture is important to its future  “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. Winston Churchill cleverly rephrased George Santayana when he made this wise comment. While he was trying to avert a war, the...
Architectural Trends: Inspiration

Architectural Trends: Inspiration

Are you inspired? ‘You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.’ – Maya Angelou We’re going to let you in on a little secret. The truth is, there’s no limit to your creativity. And allowing yourself to be inspired by the...

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