Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 19 Jul 2024
- Time: 3:00 am - 8:30 am

SAPS : Collaborative & Empowered Project Ecosystems through digital strategies’ Event
We are thrilled to extend a special invitation to you and the esteemed project ecosystem of SAPS for an exclusive event that promises to revolutionise the way you conceive, manage, and execute projects.
Highlights :
– Learn how Autodesk Construction Cloud enhances collaboration for streamlined and profitable projects.
– Understand the potential of a common data environment for transparency, accuracy, and a single source of truth.
– Gain insights into BIM, CDE, and the workflow showcase of Autodesk Construction Cloud.
– Discover real-world success stories and engage in a dynamic Q&A session.
– Network with industry professionals during a delicious lunch and an informal hands-on session.
Learning Outcomes :
Increase accuracy of data for improved decision-making.
Enhance visibility across multiple projects for informed choices.
Minimise rework and mitigate risks by adhering to updated standards.